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About Pig Watch

Pig Watch is an annual report produced by Alianima to monitor the transition of food companies with public commitments to ban gestation crates in the Brazilian pork industry. It also aims to monitor the use of antimicrobials by this industry and assess improvements in piglet handling.

The publication of results promotes transparency between the food industry and the final consumer, in addition to helping identify difficulties faced behind the scenes of the sector.

This report is not only intended for the sustainability departments of companies and industries in the sector, but is also addressed to conscious consumers concerned with both the origin of their food and the welfare of pigs in factory farming.


Check out the transparency ranking
in the 4th edition of the Pig Watch



All companies operating in Brazil that have publicly committed to abolishing gestation crates by the first half of 2023 were contacted by email to participate in the Pig Watch.

Gestation Crates

One of the issues monitored by the report is the housing of sows from individual crates to group pens during gestation phase. Understand the evolution of suppliers and customers regarding the banning of this cruel practice.

Proportion of sows free from gestation crates among suppliers:

Percentage of pork from gestation crate-free systems among customers:

Piglet Handling

In addition to the issue of housing sows during the gestation phase, the Pig Watch also addressed aspects related to piglet handling in four dimensions: surgical castration, tail docking, teeth grinding and ear notching for individual identification, common procedures in pig farming carried out without any pain control.


Surgical castration of male
piglets without anesthesia:

Teeth grinding:


Ear notching:


Surgical castration of male
piglets without anesthesia:

Teeth grinding:


Ear notching:

Use of antimicrobials:

Pig farming is the sector that most uses antimicrobial drugs in all livestock farming. The intensive and non-therapeutic use of antimicrobials is a problem of global proportions that concerns health professionals, scientific researchers, and health authorities, as it puts the health and welfare of the world’s human and animal population at risk.

Learn about the 4 different ways to use antimicrobials in pig farming

Growth promoter


increase productivity and animal growth


low and constant doses in feed


high - should be avoided as much as possible, as the use of several classes of these drugs for this purpose has already been prohibited by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock



prevent diseases occurrence/outbreaks


higher doses (compared to growth promoters), in feed or water


medium - in the medium and long term, it favors the selection of resistant microorganisms and should also be avoided



treat a group of animals after clinical signs appear in some individuals and when there is a risk of spread to others


similar to prophylactic


medium - similar to prophylactic



treat already established and diagnosed diseases


orally or by injection with higher doses and for a more limited time


low - the most recommended use

Learn about the evolution of Brazilian pig farming in a context of animal welfare and One Health:

Use of antimicrobials by suppliers:

Growth Promoters



Rational use of antimicrobials by customers:

Do you want to know more about the evolution of the pork industry regarding pig welfare?

Access the 4th edition here

Access the other editions of the Pig Watch

Click here

About Animal Watch

Conscious consumers demand more transparency from industries.

Animal Watch is a platform created by Alianima to give visibility to the public commitments to animal welfare announced by companies operating in Brazil. It also aims to facilitate the monitoring by civil society to ensure that these commitments are indeed fulfilled.

Discover the Animal Watch


O Relatório Observatório Suíno 2023 foi elaborado pela Alianima, uma organização não governamental sem fins lucrativos, com o apoio da entidade Open Philanthropy.

Press office:

Pauta Social
Adriana Souza
Phone: (11) 98264-2364
E-mail: adriana@pautasocial.org

Alianima © 2024

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